Monday, February 23, 2009


We took a trip to La Cienega Blvd to scope the ridiculously long line for the KAWS (Original Fake) reception. As we approached the last 10 minutes of the reception, as we always arrive late, I couldn't take any photos. But I'm sure there are several blogs out in cyberspace blogging that same night and you should definitely know where to look for those blogs. So we caught up with some folks with different faces down the blvd and we hit up a few local galleries after the Honor Frasier Gallery.

So I do not really have to explain anything about the photos Ive taken, as they speak for themselves, ENJOY!

Who's the guy with the curls?

John C. Reilly.

You might recognize him if you watch comedy.
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or seen this movie "STEP BROTHERS". Quite hilarious.

Y'all better watch thy self.

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