shirt: ca all day (black) VLNY x Quintin snap back & VP brown denim pant (slim fit).
shirt: ca all day (white) Villany LA x Quintin fitted.
shirt: ca all day (green) VLNY x Quintin snap back & VP blue raw denim pant (slim fit).
shirt: ca all day (vanilla)
shirt: LA city (black) & VP brown denim pant (slim fit).
shirt: LA city (blue) Villany LA x Quintin fitted & VP blue raw denim pant (slim fit).
shirt: doom-fit (black) ...... recognize the space age VP helmet in the back? hand made.
shirt: doom-fit (white)
and you wonder why we've never shot these designs and made a look book. maybe were lazy...sike, we're all ways "on tha grizzly" pun intended .
(hats dropping in November and cut & sew, we'll keep you up dated)
25% done with the shoot more to come with a whole new line up!
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